People Power Campaign

E.I.’s Call For People Power

6,547,629 people currently live in our state of Massachusetts.* Every two years, the citizens of our state are provided the option of casting their vote to elect 200 persons (state legislators) who will construct, create, and uphold the laws that govern the people who make up the different cities, wards, and precincts throughout the state. Of the 200 people we elect, 160 of them are elected as “House” representatives while 40 are elected as state Senators. Meaning, essentially, each Senator represents 163,691 persons (163,691 x 40) and each House Rep. represents 40,923 people (40,923 x 160). These elected officials are said to represent the interests of you and your community although surprisingly, the majority of Massachusetts’ residents (53.8%) are not registered to vote.**

E.I.’s call for people power is a call for action as well as a method for the people to develop a shared identity through collaborative efforts and shared strategy. People power is 1) Unifying around shared goals; 2) mobilizing via disseminating a “base” phone# (a number common persons can call and be informed of how to engage the political process by way of linking residents with their district rep.) and; 3) moving towards policy change (see base phone # below). Our issues range from criminal justice policies concerning ending Life Without Parole (LWOP) prison sentences/restoring prisoner voting rights to addressing gentrification and community displacement in urban areas. Our Emancipation Initiative, however, is a movement of the people and tailored by its actors so know that all issues geared towards social justice is in alignment with our call for people power. It is important to show solidarity moving forward in order to have our voice heard and our interest recognized and honored.

We will begin our shared people power effort July 17, 2017 and will continue such efforts as needed. E-mail us at: if there are any questions or comments. Base phone# (774)-420-2722 (EPOCA organization Worcester)

* Sandler, Craig, and D. Art. The Massachusetts Political Almanac. Mass: Affiliated News Services, 2017.
** Ibid.