SLAVE NARRATIVE #32: Real Thoughts and Experiences from the Perspectives of Massachusetts Prisoners

Cipher Check

When we think or feel that we understand a person or people, do we really only have knowledge of what their saying, doing, or meaning?

Even though we might have a strong feeling that we understand someone that we commingle with, its a good chance that we only know them.

It is important to have a understanding of who we are building with. Not only that we are cultivating or the community that we are uplifting (they’ll be destroyed!) It’s also important for health relationships between brothers. Understanding one another allows us to be able to communicate, uplift & co-exist with one another without confusion or conflict. I encourage brothers not only to get to know one another but to understand one another.

Throughout my years I have misunderstood people that I thought I understand & I have been misunderstood by people who thought they understood me. It didn’t matter which way the misunderstanding came from it mostly lead to a destroyed relationship. (sometimes violence) I’ve seen others misunderstand people that I’ve understood & the results were the same. My overstanding of this topic allowed me to know that this is a universal problem.

Understanding can only be reached through knowledge (knowing) & wisdom (insight). It is impossible to understanding someone without knowing them. On the contrary it is possible to know someone without understanding them. Knowing someone is knowing the basic’s of that person; how one walks, looks, speaks, thinks, what one wants likes or needs. We can know these things about a person by simply watching the person & hearing what the person has to say. Understanding someone is deeper than that. In order to understand you have to be wise, you have to have insight which is the power or act of seeing into a situation (or person). Wisdom! Wisdom comes with age & experience. People mistake or confuse knowledge with wisdom. They think because they know something that they’re automatically wise to it (Not true!). See, we might know a walk, a look, a speech etc… but to be wise about a walk, a look, a speech is a big difference.

Example: I might “know” you walk a certain way; but why you walk that way, how you walk that way or when to start & stop walking that way I could be completely unaware of. Therefore I’m not wise to the walk but I do know you walk that way…

Wisdom is the manifestation of one’s knowledge. Manifestation is a display or demonstration. If I never had manifestations of you or a situation, how can I understand you or a situation? I can’t, I only can understand you after manifestations are revealed to me. So until then I only know you.

Example: I knew a individual (that shall remain nameless) he had a walk of confidence, he held his head & shoulders back. His appearance was fit he worked out & practiced shadow boxing. When he would speak he would speak of the movement that helps empower our culture (the original people). He would let everyone know what he would do if something unjust was done to him or his people. Though his speech (not a manifestation) I understood he was focused on the prevention of allowing unjust things being done to him & his people. Through his words I was aware that he wanted nothing more than his people to rise. I knew this individual for at two years & I felt I understood him even though we never faced a serious adversity together. I was young at the time & inexperienced with dealing with people of his kind. I would have seen signs in his character if I was experienced in dealing with people like him. One day this individual & I was faced with an adversity that had to do with the well being of the community that we was uplifting at the time. Instead of this individual taking a stand with me he sat down & left me standing alone. Not only that, he also didn’t do what he said he would do when unjust was being done to his people. Now if I would have had a understanding of this individual & his kind I would have been prepared to stand alone. This happened to me again but with different individuals until I finally realized that it’s happening because I was not understanding the individuals that I was commingling with. I only knew them.

We reach understanding through observations, manifestations & experiences that we got through age (time).

Now ask yourself, do you understand the individuals that you commingle with or do you know them? be aware that there are penalties for assuming we understand someone when we really only know them…

Please Educate All Children Everywhere
