SLAVE NARRATIVE #25: Real Thoughts and Experiences from the Perspectives of Massachusetts Prisoners

In the Massachusetts prisons, the first level of war begins by gaining “popular opinion.” The goal is to try to win it or manipulate it to your interest. In such a war, there are certain words that are constantly used to paralyze any potential “popular support.” These words are 1) rat, 2) skinner/diddler, 3) coward (PC), 4) power-monger, 5) cell thief. If your enemy or enemies are able to convince the popular opinion that you are potentially or actually one of the aforementioned, then support for you becomes paralyzed on a general basis. In Walpole and throughout the system, in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and early to mid-90s, it was hard to play this type of wargame, in military terms this initial step in prison warfare is called a “war of nerves.” Its intention is to try and rattle, confuse, and/or paralyze the “nerves” of action and thereby your enemy(s) and their allies are rendered useless.

One of the reasons why a “war of nerves” was useless in the “old days” was because the accusers had to come up with “documentary evidence” on hand and the accused were confronted in order to verify or repudiate said documentation with his evidence. The confrontation was necessary since “false” paperwork was rampant via cunning Machiavellian enemies. This documentary evidence process was necessary before “good convicts” reacted. Otherwise, it was the baseless accuser who would be dealt with for spreading unsubstantiated gossip.

For those with lesser principles, today’s brand of “prison justice” is a welcome change. All it takes is an influential voice or group of influential voices to claim “he’s no good” or as we “Hispanics” say “escratchao.” Other lesser influenced good dudes are then influenced by force or fraud and the “opinion” is repeated so often that it becomes the truth whether or not it’s a fact.

I came to realize that some of my true failure was in making the vow, not in breaking it. I now make a new vow, one weighed in experience and proclaimed with my eyes open: I will not raise my hands except in defense of my constitutions & cause: in defense of my principles, of my life, or others who cannot defend themselves. I will not battle to further the cause of false prophets or to avenge my own pride. I add my oath of protection to the good comrades. I will fight with my last breath of need be, and in my death allow me God to inflict a wound on those that will fester until it claims him, and to those who look upon such a vow & oath as unrealistic, impractical, even ridiculous, I place my right fist upon my chest and declare it conviction: I am a righteous servant king. Long life to the revolutionary “red army.”


The Supreme Commander in Chief

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